Triathlon Canada Launches New Series Engaging Canadian Kids to Swim, Bike and Run
VICTORIA—Little Canucks will be swimming, biking and running across the land as part of Triathlon Canada’s newly created KITCan Series, which will be piloted with Triathlon Ontario in the summer of 2018.
“Swimming, biking and running are three of the first activities we all learn as kids,” said Kim Van Bruggen, chief executive officer, Triathlon Canada. “Giving our youth in all corners of the country the opportunity to enjoy these three skills in a freshly-designed, fun race series that families can enjoy together, is critical for the continued growth of our sport while encouraging youth to live active lives.”
Using the baby beaver, known as a kit, as the program’s mascot, the Kids in Triathlon (KIT) race series will be a packaged youth-based race program that will ultimately be used by Triathlon Canada’s provincial partners and clubs from coast-to-coast-to-coast. With a focus on having fun, and trying hard, the series will target girls and boys aged 11 and under to hop on a bike or tricycle, jump into a pool and put on a pair of sneakers and run.
“Many of Canada’s Olympic and Paralympic best got their start in triathlon by participating in a Kids of Steel race,” said Van Bruggen, who added the organization’s youth-based program needs a refresh in order to continue being successful in the new era of Triathlon Canada. “Through a community outreach initiative conducted last year as part of Triathlon Canada’s rebranding exercise, we identified that greater emphasis needs to be put on engaging youth.
Triathlon Canada will pilot the new non-competitive KITCan Series in Ontario this summer.
“Building and investing in youth infrastructure is critical for the long-term sustainability of the sport across the country,” said Phil Dale, executive director, Triathlon Ontario. “Triathlon Ontario is excited for the opportunity to take a greater role in the grassroots development in this province by piloting a fantastic new national youth series brand. Our involvement in youth events in key strategic markets will be a great opportunity to grow youth programs, engage the local community and encourage thousands of parents to try an adult triathlon.”