March Update

Indoor Triathlon School Championships – June 6

Registration for the school championships is now open for athletes in Junior and Senior High. Go here to register! Entry fee is $10.

The top three individuals in each category (male and female) will receive medals, and the top schools in each category will receive a championship banner.


Triathlon NL Annual General Meeting – April 4

Triathlon NL’s annual general meeting and election of directors will take place on April 4, 2020 from 3 PM – 5 PM, at the Guv’nors Inn, 389 Elizabeth Avenue. All 2020 annual members are invited to attend and vote for the board of directors and receive reports for the 2019 season and updates on the 2020 season.


Clarke’s Beach Sprint Triathlon – July 5

Triathlon NL is forming a race committee to put off this new race on our calendar. This event will be a test of the NL Games sprint course, and will hopefully become an annual event. Your assistance is needed! Please contact if you want to help out.


NL Games – Coaches, Team Manager, and Athletes Wanted

Triathlon NL has openings for coaches, team managers, and athletes for each of the regions to be represented at the NL Games in August in Bay Roberts. Contact for more information about the team roles and competing in the Games, and the regional teams. We need to hear from you soon!

Triathlon Newfoundland and Labrador. We can. We will.


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