Today is the last day to register for the Carbonear Sprint Triathlon taking place on Sunday July 21st. Participants can choose between the sprint, try-a-tri or team relay events (2 or 3 members). The sprint consists of a 500m swim in Freshwater Pond, an 18k bike ride through Freshwater and Carbonear, finishing with a 5k run through Carbonear. The try-a-tri includes a 300m swim, 6k bike ride and 3k run. The try-a-tri is open to youth ages 12 and up and any adults who would like to try a shorter distance. Celebrate with a post race steak BBQ and awards banquet! Race kit pick-up will be available at 8am before the race start at 10am.
Registration for 2019 Carbonear Sprint Triathlon Closes at Midnight
Triathlon Newfoundland and Labrador. We can. We will.