SportNL Announces the Great Sport Chase Lottery

St. John’s – SportNL announced today the start of the Great Sport Chase Lottery. The lottery, with some features similar to Chase the Ace, is designed to raise funds for the development of sport within the province.

Players enter the lottery by purchasing an online ticket for the weekly draw. The winner of the weekly draw can increase his/her winnings if any of the “Away” cards drawn match the “Home” card for the week. At the end of the lottery all tickets purchased throughout the 12 weeks are eligible for the grand prize draw.

Sports organizations under the banner of SportNL receive support in three ways:

  • when players purchase a ticket, they select the sport (such as Triathlon NL) they are supporting and a portion of the sale goes to that sport,
  • if the sport is drawn as the “Home” card,
  • the additional revenue for SportNL will be used to fund programs for sports organizations.

Tickets and details of the lottery are available at

Triathlon Newfoundland and Labrador. We can. We will.


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